I am still waiting for my ankle to completely heal, in the mean time, I am stuck walking instead of running. Though earlier today I got my bike all up in working order again, so I hope to be able to ride it some too.
While going to a specific wine store the other day, I found out this place called Turkey Mountain is actually a lot shorter drive than I had always thought.
Well, we all know me, so on whim, I headed there the next day.

So, there is in fact slopes in the Tulsa area that are of a decent descent (you see what I did there?) Halfway down this hill was a broken sign saying "slow" on the ground. Guess that's what the bikers think of that.

I learned something this past week, apparently train tracks are still being build/laid, who'da thunk it?! Well, besides Warren Buffet.

Now then, who out there put coins on the train track to let them get squished by the train? I did! And on this walk on a rare occasion, I had a coin in my pocket. Woo! I cannot wait to go back and see if that train track is ever even used.

I still hate the walk back, but as I mentioned with the "I love you" picture, you do get to see things that you otherwise wouldn't.

Oh and I think I found an easter egg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg_%28video_games%29) in life. This warning label:

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