I showed her.

Just a little left of the "51" is where the shenanigans happened. Kelsey rockets down this hill ahead of me and at the bottom of it there is a left hand curve. All I see is her pull of this amazing trick. She does a 360 and lets the bike go under her legs and she sticks the landing. The bike however...

I am far from a bike expert, but I don't think its supposed to look like that. To those of you wondering, as I said she stuck the landing on her feet and got away with only a little scrape. We will have to wait for her to comment either on facebook or here for her version of the story. I personally think she just didn't feel like doing a full ten mile ride (even if it was her idea)

So for once, I didn't hurt myself, and I wasn't the one breaking a bike. I gave her mine so she could get the car. Well, had to entertain myself somehow.

ha! how did you guys get back?