If you do not know what this is, look at the third photograph in the previous post.
That aside, I have no real witty observation today. Mostly just the comment that the [enjoyable] effort I put into and the wasp sting I received to get my ol' mountain bike in working order and bike rack was all worth it to be able to ride again.
Here's my trip down the same trail as the last post, except a much further distance was traveled.

I like railroads, don't really know why, probably a childhood fascination of mine. So of course I like taking photos of said things, and that that goes on them. We have learned that the track along this trail is active, but tell me how several tons can be supported by THIS

I know when this picture was taken, but I do not recall taking it.... Oh well, I like it

How can I pass up a real mountain bike trail that is off the paved road? And I mean look at it. It looks nice a relaxing and enjoyable.

WRONG!!! The trail was awful, and apparently meant to be taken from the other direction than the one I came from. There were just awful spots that you could not feasibly ride up. The photos I took of the trail itself ended up blurry, so I'm not posting them here. One is up on my flickr however.

I never take pictures of myself, so:
During (equipped with dopey grin)

After (Get a haircut you dang hippy!)

Bets on how long until Hew crashes while taking pictures while riding?