Well, I did not think I would ever post this picture because of the blown out bottom left corner, but I feel that the symbolism fits for today.
First, a big announcement, starting after today, I will post a new, finished photograph ever Tuesday, usually late afternoon to early evening so there will always be a new post waiting for my loyal readers on Wednesdays, or Tuesday evenings.
That aside, today has been a crazy day, and it is only the second day of the semester. The theme of the day is "What have I gotten myself into" with this schedule. Four accounting classes is probably too much, oh well, I like a challenge. If life was a game, I chose the hardest difficulty, but doesn't that mean the rewards are higher?
As some of you may know, my fifth class is called "Student Guided Project[s]" which is through the Art School here at TU. I am doing a project with photography for this class. This class is a senior level class that apparently graduate students take and I skipped all the prerequisites fo Here are the requirements:
Do what you want.
There are four projects, the first three is whatever you want at all.
I have a couple ideas of what to do, but I am interested in if any of you guy's have some ideas that I like.....?