More about me and my style: All the people I know who also practice photography describe themselves at landscape photographers. They like shooting...well, landscapes; ie. buildings, pastures, mountains, whatever. I honestly prefer shooting living things, people and animals. I feel that you can get more out of a shot from living things, you can capture what the person or animal is thinking, or perhaps their emotion, which then comes out in the photograph. I prefer my shots to be candid shots. You can get those emotional shots with a model and a studio, but you get unexpected and often amazing results from those random lucky shots.
Enough Wells Photography 101. My mother has a flock of sheep, and as often goes with a flock of sheep, a sheepdog. His name is Bandit due to a black line mask around his eyes and nose. It doesn't really hid his identity, I mean how many very large, white and shaggy dogs do you know? None? There you go. He is a very good dog, especially at watching the sheep. However, he is funny in that his way of saying "hi" is to try and knock you down with a dog hug. And seeing as how he is a huge dog, he is pretty dang good at this.
For this particular shot, Bandit was putting on a show of how good he is at his job and was walking around watching the sheep and then eventually sat down not far from where this shot was taken to watch over them.
What I am constantly amazed by is how much he looks like a sheep, especially from a distance, I usually mistake him for one of the sheep. If a coyote ever makes the same mistake... Well, it will be its last....

Matthew that is an awesome picture! It really shows what Bandit is like