Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bonfire Glade

I am back in Tulsa, and therefore have my desktop back and can format photos.

Took this particular shot a couple weeks ago. IF you didn't know, TU's official colors are Gold, Blue, and Hurricane Red. Has something to do with hurricane flags.

Anyway, as you can see, these are flowers planted in a creative way. And they are on a rise so you can see this from the road.

Oh and if you were wondering about the title. On homecoming, there is a large bonfire lit where those flowers are.

TU Bonfire

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Springtime Wonderland

NYARGH! My eyes! So....bright...!

Just hit F11 to see full screen and enjoy this photo and wish you were chilling out in this park and not being productive.

SpringTime Wonderland

Saturday, May 1, 2010


So, how is your day going? I actually wrote this post way back on the 27th. I am kind of out of things to write about at this point. Of the flower pictures I have done up to this point, this is the only one I actually did some serious editing to. Nothing was really done to the flower itself, but you can probably guess at what editing occurred to everything else.

Fantasy Flower