I know French! "Le" means "The" in France. Or so I have heard.
I know I know, you guys (All two of you) are probably getting tired of seeing pictures of flowers and wanting me to post something different. So I will stop posting pictures of flowers*.
This shot was taken today actually. I took it at this park here in Tulsa called Woodward Park. I really like this park, it is small but there are a lot of things in it. Plus a lot of people go there. Around this time of year it becomes even more popular because all the bushes that are in the park are a kind of flowering bush called Azalea. What this means is every photographer, professional, hobbiest, or parent comes out of the woodworks to come here. Or there are your normal people who just like going there because it is nice. However azaleas have kind of a bad smell.....But hey, they are pretty as you are about to see.
Ah yes, if you like this bridge and other random bits of architecture, you should check out my occasional partner [read as: "minion"] in crime
Jeremy Jewell Photography. He lives in the O.C. where he apparently works. I personally doubt this heavily. I mean we have all seen the commercials with Schwarzenegger and other random Californians saying they don't actually work.
