A compatriot of mine, Jeremy Jewell, has a photography blog where he always posts a story with his photos, I am now going to proceed to rip him off. It really is a good idea as you can see here: http://jeremyjewellphotography.blogspot.com/ I strongly suggest going there.
I created this website a week ago, but I did not post anything because I could not decide what my first picture should be. I had two options. One option was the picture that I claim to be my first successful picture that has everything in it that I want. Or I could post a Photoshop project. The reason behind this is because I learned to use Photoshop at an advanced level before I ever learned how to use a "real" camera. I eventually got tired of using other people's photos so I decided to start looking for a good camera to take pictures the way I want.
I chose the first of those two options. This is the photo that started it all.
This picture really exemplifies my style. Since I started out as a Photoshop user, my photos end up having varying degrees of editing.
This particular picture was great by itself but I wanted to capture how I felt when I took it. I took this with my father's camera that I was borrowing at the time in a park on a cold spring day. While wandering and looking for something interesting I saw this bird fly and land in this tree. And like me, it looked cold, so I waited for the right moment and took the picture. When I got this shot on my computer, I knew it was what I was looking for. The photograph made me remember that cold, crisp, clean day, however, I wanted everyone else to feel that feeling and messed with the shot until I got this. I think I succeeded. As for those who are curious, due to my editing, this particular shot is in the grey area between a photograph and a photomanipulation.